
Showing posts from June, 2020

5 technolgy that changes the world

  Door lock Most of the people getting scared for leaving their house and going outside for that latest door lock have introduced ,in that you can use your finger print to open,or you can install a door lock app in your mobile phones and when you command the door to open when you are somewhere outside it will open. And even you can use password to open that only you knows. Chargest If you are going for a travel,you will 3 dresses for a week. When you going  with electronic gadgets you must have phone charger,tab charger, laptop charger ,for chargers itself you will carry seprate bags. For that they iintroduced chargest in that you can charge whatever you want, like phone,laptop, trimmer. Even you can use it for ontime jobs like mixer, grinder etc. Phone drone   We all know what is drone,it will fly,their will be camera fixed located at centre. But this Phone drone is different from other phones by phone can be fixed at center of the drone and you can take a camera. When your going in m

Why in india china apps banned

Today we are gonna see why indian government banned chinese apps in detail and tamil nadu lockdown extension.  Starting from china,in the the border dispute of India and china ,chinese soldiers occupied 60sq kilometer of indias land. For that government argues with them but no result. Then indian army went their and asked them to move but no response from them. Laterly chinese started fighting with their hands. And in that fight 20 soldiers have killed and 70 of them were injured. Because of that our goverment banned 59 chinese apps. And it have miused some people s information ,that was also reason for banning chinese apps. There will be no lose for china if we uninstall these apps.  But indian government said that w they will provide new apps instead of China s apps. Now coming back to tamilnadu the government said that lockdown will be extend till july 31.  But the health panel said that there is no need for further extension,they said those who are coming out of the house please we

silent twins|mystrey

  Today we are gonna see about a mysterious life of a twin sister who did not talk to anyone but they will talk themselves in their languages. They born in 1963 of a couples named robert and Gloria. Their names are Jennifer and julie in their name itself they both are inseparable. At a particular stage every children start talking but their mother did not see that. They both always mirrored. They are likeif one gets freedom of talking other one will lose that. What one will do the other one will do the same. Their mother Laterly thinks still they both are not talking. When they attain 11 years they started going to school,their also they won't talk to any one, but the teachers thinks they both are good children ,Laterly the teacher thinks they won t talk to anybody. If the school leaves at 5o'clock they both will be leaved at 4o clock, because they will get bullied by other children. When they reach their home they will go straight to their room and close their door. And next d

Stress management

Today we are gonna see about what is stress management,and how it will affect our body,and how can we control it. When a dog chase us in our adernal gland which is located above kidney. This gland will produce so many hormones and secreted in the blood stream. Automatically our blood flow very fast and our heart pumping will be high.  Nowadays we are getting stress for small things like meeting you boss, stuck in traffic, not doing the homework going to the school. For these things you should not get stressed if you go to office very late what will happen hel  will just scold you that's it or saying about you very critical to someone that's it after that nothing will happen to you. Stress affects your health, your attention. Many people dies at young age like 30- 40 years due to heart attack. If stress comes to you will go to depression and you will start thinking why this world is like this. During that time you have start talk to someone ,those who are in roadside,park ir any

Gold histroy

Today we are gonna see about how gold is formed. Actually gold is not a earth's object is is from other planet. By the explosion of star in the space the particles will be exploded and collided with other planet like the particle exploded on earth ,but that time earth was like molten state. Like how astroids are clashing on earth like that before billions of years the star particles hitted earth and went deep inside the earth. After many years man finding it. Why gold is so costly Because the particle came from the star just a small portion. And due to increasing of human population the demand for gold is high. And still now it is available in small quantity. That's all about the gold. If you want more unique things just comment. Just a week ago i started blogging if you see some where im lacking comment it.

Real iron man story

Today  we are gonna see about one of the  most paid actor robert downsey jr. His father name was robert downsey senior.This will very motivative life story of him. He came many obstacles across his life. Robert born in America in 1965 of a rich family. His father is a director and his mother is a actress of her husband movies. He was in a film cirle when he was small itself.Robert came to acting when he was small.His father is a  director taking small movies. He is addicted to drugs like ganja, cocaine. And when robert was 6 years old his father will give him ganja to eat and he will feed that to his child because his father will then only we can share our happiness. Robert cannot concentrate in studies because he sees in his houseother people will coming when his mother is alone,and when father is in other women will come for bad relationship. Laterly they divorced seeing other life partners. Robert was totally upset and he also addicted to drugs but  his film life was good. Slowly he

Life after she left

This story is gonna be completly different, by seeing this story fully their will be water drops on your eyes,you will be completely motivated,you will share this to your friends. In this story their will be only three characters a hero,heroine a old man, and you can imagine hero as yourself. Hero a normal middle class boy,their parents joined him in a big school, for that their parent hard worked for many days. A few days passed ,then the hero realizes that he have to achieve something in his life. He asked his parents ,you are doing hard work for my education and what can i do for you ,the parents said you have to go for nice job and earn good salary. And he realized. He started studying and he gets good marks and rocks in sports and everything. One day a girl asks doubts to that boy,and from that time the boy gets crush on her. He started thinking about that girl itself and one day he said his love to that girl and that girl started crying and after sometime she becomes happy and th

Locust attack

 At friday night,the authority  alerted the people that, by saturday the locust swarms will reach border of delhi, Gurgaon by morning and today morning it have reached Gurgaon by 10 am.    The government alerted to close the doors,windows of your house, no body should come out. And they also said  that make some noises to over come this locust attack. And requested farmers to be ready with pest pumps Today morning the locust swarms have covered the skies and coming forward to delhi. But by the direction of wind the locusts will reach uttar pradesh by after noon.   Because of this so many people bursting crackers, making sounds. And this one is floating on social medias and so many videos are taken and uploaded. And it is trending in twitter.

India china border attack

 A week ago there was border dispute between india and china. It was went very seriously. In this we will see what is actually happening on India borders. First of all there is no exact border between India and china. And the china have occupied galwan valley which is in Ladakh. They brought many trucks, miners and start digging underground. They have occupied our border about 60square kilometer.  After seeing all this foolish things happ6 in the border our indian argumented with them after long talks they said ok we will leave that place ,Laterly our indian sawed that they still staying in that place and they will not that valley. And our soldiers went there without weopons. Our soldiers did not know that they were planned for this only. One of the chinese soldiers is top of the moutains started pushing big big rocks on them.  The chinese soldiers attacking with wood whined with steel wire,and at starting it self our three india soldier were killed, still they asked for backup,fightin


. Depression, now most of the people facing this.  But nobody knows its seriousness.  First of all what is depression. For example if you intrested in music and in your house  they are saying you have to study engineering and you will take engineering Laterly you are not happy what you have taken and you cannot go back to what you have interested. You will be in that phase for many days and that  is called depression. Those who are affected by this they will not say to a therapist for more than 10 years. Depression will not only affect mentally but also physically. To overcome from this start talking to them or your itself is affected by that please talk to some body to your friends or relatives to overcome. Those who are affected by this will be sitting alone and sometime they will shout without reason ,so like that people you know please talk to them and make them also talk. This is becoming very serious india like sushanths sucide,sathankulam incident, please share this message to e

Bruce lee an untold story.

Even though he is dead he is still people's mind. He is Bruce lee. He born in America. He is very notorious. His parents are chinese. They gave bruce lee to films for cinema for child roll when he was 2 years old for their side income. Later he joined a school ,many teachers will to their parents that he is not fit for studying, he is always fighting with other childrens in that school. Teachers also said that he won't study and he also said in  many press that he won't like sitting and learning book and he did not like that education system. Laterly,in hong king he used to get involves in many street fights with so many childrens over there,he also lose some matches bur he did not stops. Laterly his parents  sented him to America because they cannot tolerate with him. There also he continued to fight with many children. His teacher challenges him that if you have guds go and win boxing tournament. He also started training for that, there was 9 wrestlers who was  having  ni

Tamil nadu touches high cases at october

Many people will start thinking when we will get rid from this pandemic covid 19. Doctor Mgr university kept a model that i  tamil nadu the number of cases will be at peak by October.  At chennai only today it as touched nearly 3,500 cases. In the same conditions if it goes the total number of cases in chennai will be around 2.00 lakhs in chennai itself. And rest of the tamilnadu also the cases started increasing,1200 and above cases in one day and it will be 1.2lakhs by october ,but a slight difference of two weeks or one month than chennai to touch the peak. Peak is nothing but the total number of cases in one day. It is in people's hand to wear mask, social distance, self hygienic. If we dont do that the peak will extend till December. After that peak it will totally come down or in plateau. Now in chennai siddha medicine is used for curing this virus and they also checked for 25 patients who are mildly affected. And this medicine really works. 100 % it cured it. Other side deba

Vijay an untold story

Thalapathy for that itself a seprate fan base. But that time  he was hated by many people,in this we will see how thalapathy came across so many obstacle and and pain. He born between plaback singer and director chandrashekar. He also having a sister he loves his sister. He was notorious boy and playful when he was small. After some time his young sister passed away at the age of two. That was his huge lost. After that he becomes very silent boy ,not talking to anyone ,and he was in depressed and by seeing this his father taking him out introduced to every directors and producer to get him out of depression. After that also he was silent. One day he was curious about acting in films,he started thinking about acting he asked his father to that he wants to act in the films, but his father said that it won't be  suite for you and he just ignores him.  Laterly vijay went to movie theater without knowing anyone, after that his father came to know that and askes him are you intrested i a

Joker story|motivation

First time ever winning an Oscar  for villain character at the age of 28 is not possible ,yes he is completely change into a psycho he is heath ledger. Heath ledger was born in Australia of two couples,he has elder sister. In his life he came across many obstacles. At the  age of 10years his parents got divorced. His sister was intrested in drama ,acting. But ledger was intrested in studies, and playing chess. By the influence by his sister even he also started acting in many drama. One day they travelled to famous city called Sydney which is in America. They acted many s movies. After somtime an audition for movie bat man the dark knight,the director was Christopher a famous director,he said those who are intrested show your talent. Heath ledger came after everyone, but he came for Batman character but they taken him as joker for the movie. But the media started teasing him and published his funny photos. But he did not give up. The director gave him a list of how a joker will think a

Spanish flu

   During world war 1 between Germany and America this virus was spreading in this world. At that time America was taking industry revolution.  This virus killed almost 50millions - 100millions of people in the world. This virus was there for three year from1917 to 1920. During wave one of this virus  it as affected quarter population of the world.  At that time also they did not find medicine for that. Even america did not talk about that. If they say this to people they will say lockdown which is happening now . By doing this  America's  economy will come down so that they were silent.  The second wave started in 1919  which was more effective than first wave. Again more people were died by these wave. Latterly what is happening today that time also so many hospitals were filled by the patients. No beds they started using every grounds,halls,auditorium, many government properties changing into hospitals. In india also it is affected 1/3 population of the country were died.  But t

Sathan kulam incident

At tuticorin, at sathankulam two people were killed by 14 police officers. At sunday ,jeyaraj of 63 years old runs a timber shop, he was arrested for opening shop beyond 9pm they put him in jail. Later his son j.Fenix who runs a mobile shop was protesting for not to harm his father and the both of them were sub-jailed at palayamkottai. Later,j.Fenix was bleeding and he was admitted to palayamkottai government hospital and he died at 8.00 later his father  also died within few hours due to trouble if breathing. This was a huge sparks across tamil nadu. After their deaths,the tamil nadu trader president said that the shops in tuticorin will be closed for one day andthey  the people started protesting for justice for them. And the MP k.kanimozhi said take action on 14 policemen for doing such low things Will they get justice back? Justice is not just taking their jobs or killing them,the real justice is they have to feel the pain what they did to both the gentlemens.

New ayruvedic medicine for corona

Recently new ayruvedic medicine found for corona it is very effective. It is a oral medicine. This was launched by ayruvedic doctor Baba ram dev. Entire India and the world is waiting for this medicine. And we are proudly to say first ayruvedic medicine for corona. There are two medicine in this kit one is coronils and other one is sawasiri. This medicine is checked trials in delhi, ahmedabad for 250 affected patients, and gave 100% favour results. This medicine cost ₹545/kit. This medicine is not currently available all over india ,within this week it will be distributed to entire India. An app also introduced for buying this corona kit by executive aayruvedic . This medicine is not immunity booster but it will completely cure the corona within 3-7 days. It is tablet Will this ayruvedic medicine will be curable or not?

H 1b visa

This h-1b visa is used for those who are going work at America only they will carry this visa.  Recently the president of America supended h-1b visa till December30.  Because in us itself more than 20 millions of employees lost their jobs between April to may. To reduce that they suspended h1b visa,after that their will be more than 50lakhs vacancies which they will fill with American employees. Because of corona pandemic the Americas economy completely came down and they havr to built their economy again and it takes more time. Google's CEO sundar pichai recently said that disappointed of Trumps decisions  and he also said that they will continue to  Immigrants and they want work for every one. 

How to be attractive

           10 steps to be attractive Stop living for others,if your friend did some successful job and you are saying this to everyone,but they won't take you seriously.only your friend will be great Planting or grow some pet,grow some plants that will change into person. The people surrounded you will think that you are responsible and you will be attracted by them. Find your passion, search the jobs which you like such as reading books, photography, musicians, or gymming,or travelling. Suppose you are going to a office there your manager will askwhat is your passion and you will say you like pubbing,but they won't take you seriously. Stop using emoji, while texting to your girlfriend or relatives dont use emojis,so that nobody will be serious about you even if you are 70 years old also nobody will take seriously, show some attitude,only you talk what is main content. Secret,if some one in your relatives saying some secret maintain it,if  you say that secret to every one later

Personal hygienic

Twenty hygienic habits should follow. First thing you should not share your personal things such as lipstick, inner garments,shaving blade,.etc. Don't ever use other Personal things Clean your armpits wisely because there only many bacterias will be accumulated. Third one brush your teeth twice a day,and you have to brush for 1 to 2minutes,many people will brush only for 10 seconds don't do this Hand wash,wherever you go out and coming back please wash your hands,because you will bw seeing many people. Flosh your teeth with a small thread,because there also so many bacteria will be accumulated. Drink water wherever you see, because that will improve your immunity and you will feel fresh. Face wash,wherever you go out wash your face where tap is available. Because when you go out some bacteria will accumulated in your face so take care of your face. Your sitting in a room look your surrounding is it clean,please  clean your surrounding. Cut your nails,there also so many bacteria

New locked down in tamil nadu

Another locked down is taken place tamilnadu specifically Chennai due enormous corona virus taking place. Not only chennai ,madurai is also going locked down from tomorrow till 30th june for a week.This decision taken by their government. This will be complete strict lockdown it is good news. Why madurai is going to lockdown many will raise questions, this is due to the peolle who came from chennai stirked the disease there,because of that more than 50 patients admitted in hospital i one day. In this lockedown as usual shops in market will opened till 1o'clock, hotels won't be open,no transportation. Their will be one police in every streets. Now the total number of corona virus tamil nadu came to third place.Now the delhi is in second place with rapidly increase of corona. Now coming back to tamil nadu in chennai there is more than 2000 corona patients per day. Now the health care system started to take government property such as ground,schools,auditorium etc for covid 19 eme

World's 9th richest man

  Reliance owner Mukesh ambani captured top of world's rich person.He gave 10% of ownership to facebook owner of reliance. But still he has debts around till today,and also set target to finish all his debts in march 21st 2021.He invested more money for jio digtal tech. Now he is holding 41% of economic rate of india.If he finishes all his debts by 2021 he will reach top 5 there is no doubt.Everyone araise a question that how he reached top 10 in this pandemic situation. The simple is marketing, he was really good at marketing.

Face app is safe or not

    Awarness about face app Everyone in this world having curiosities about how will their personality will be after 5 or 10years and even i thought like that. A app will recognize a person how he will be on future and the the app is called faceapp.This app is launched by Russian company by a programmer. He works at Microsoft morning times and from evening he will do programming. Now if we download that app and start using it and if we take a photo of yourself or your friends and relatives then you start to see your older ages then you will fix a particular age at that time it starts loading,during that second your photo will sent to a server which is in america,will be saved to that server and they cando anything with your photo. The face app owner said openly that he is not responsible for that.He also said that most of photos will be deleted,but the rest of the photos they can do any thing they want like uploading on social media, huge poster of your face will placed on roadside, th

Stop buying these

In this we will discuss about china brands which came to India such as Xiaomi, Motorola.Before 10 years their was a company called Intex, Micromax.These companies are with Indian name but the manufacture everything from china. Indirectly everything is from china.But later the Chinese came to thought that why they can sell it directly and they started to manufacturing mi, Asus,etc.And now it is supplied all over India.Later companies like Micromax,intex marketing came down. If we buy oppo,vivo also manufactured by china and we are only investors. In India, we will not see the products that which country it came from,but we will see value of money. So that with or without knowing we will buy chinese products which will be at cheap rate. Now we stopped buying chinese products due to crucial border problem. If we leave chinese products other side we have samsung which is manufactured by Korean. Before 10 years one of the top company in india called Nokia. Later its marketing completely col

Nepotism in bollywood

A young talented actor Sushant Singh actor commited suicide a week ago.This gave shock to entire Bollywood industry and entire India.Itwas great loss in film industry. The source of information saying that he was in depressed at that time, because nobody doesn't talk to him, that to it was a lockdown time he was alone in his house at Mumbai. He was having only two friends for him to talk,but even they could not take care of him. The main reason that he was in depression because he was affected by nepotism and favourtasim.Nepotism is nothing but a famous or popular person at a particular industry favouring his friends or relatives. And he also committed 7 movies ,but due to nepotism he lost all his movies.And he is one of the example that any one can get into depression if he is handsome, richest or poorest any one in the world will face depression. World health organisation saying that still now more than 10 percent people in the world are facing depression. Now the question is how

Vaccine found for corona

After more than 3 months we got a positive news that we got a medicine for Corona,the name of medicine is fabiflu which is released by glenmark a particular company in India. This vaccine cost Rupees 103 which is more effective for covid 19,this is also approved by government of India after checking it for 150 covid 19 patients in India. This vaccinecan be used for starting stage of covid 19 patients which will be effective within four days after taking it. This vaccineswill not completely cure the virus  but it make to stops spreading into our body. This vaccine will be distributed all over India,and only the people those who are affected by covid 19 viruse can take the medicine at starting stage. It is all Okey,but those who are village side going for work getting salary 100 Rupees per day will be very complicated to buy. Now the question is what will be the measures taken by the government that every people can buy it. Say your opinion.

China's biggest plan

On Monday June 15 china soldiers entered in India about 60square KM and our Indian soldiers warned them that they should not occupy like that. And as a revenge Chinese soldiers killed 20 Indian soldiers on in that day, this was really a ridiculous entire India was burning due to that attack on that day. On that night itself china soldiers arrested our Indian soldiers including 4 superior officers.After so many talks between India and China they released the soldiers. But these news was kept hided yesterday only they said this information. They entered with so many trucks vehicles for digging underground and other jobs. But we couldn't do anything. At this critical pandemic situation china is using this as a opportunity to control entire world. For this people of our country started deleting Chinese apps but this will not make major loss in China's economy. The best way to overcome china is to betterment of our people is the only way to overcome their economy.

Stop using China apps

  "World' is made of china" yes most of materials like electric gadgets such as cell phone, speakers, TV, refrigerator, AC and many on. Many years before people hates china products because it came from china the hardware won't be good but now people are used to it. Now every people will again refuse it. And they start buying from other country products.But those who are having china apps now can't change it,they cannot find which  is Chinese apps.   Now entire world hates china and uninstalling all Chinese apps such as pubg,tiktok,shareit and so on but this will not affect China's economy ,it takes many years. If we break Chinese product also only we lose our money and they will not. If we uninstall all Chinese apps is ok,but later it will be at high risk. Now the question is will India grow without any china apps and products for more than a year.

George floyd

''officer please leave me please it's paining'' these last words said by George floyd of his last 7 minutes of his life. George floyd was forty two years old man,he was working as bouncer at particular pub.Due to pandemic Corona viruses affecting across the globe he lost his job and travelling to nearby city in u.s. He started conversation with his friends what took do next and he started moving outside with his truck He left his truck a side and getting into a shop giving 20 dollars and buying a pair of cigarettes and he is going back to the truck and he starts smoking and chilling up. Suddenly the two youngsters who was  Sitting in that shop came and asked the give back the ciggar because the 20 dollars which he gave was fake notes and he said that it just a note. Now the two youngsters went back to their shop and called police and they arrived and George was sitting inside the truck and just chilling.The four officer just dragged him out and pushing him down the

Solar eclipse timing.(full details)

1.What is solar eclipse?                                                            The shadow of moon will cover the earth by the ligh of sun.                                             Types of solar eclipse     1.annuular      2.partial This year the solar eclipse will be seen at june 21st on sunday and it is a annular solar eclipse which sun will be ring like shape. Timing for solar eclipse At june 21st the solar eclipse starts from morning 9am to 2.30pm in India timing. Countries like asia, africa,europe,india can be seen.    It cannot be seen in naked eyes we can see only through a glass. We should not see it with our naked eyes then we get problem in our eyes very frequently.               So if you want to see the solar eclipse please wear a glass which is made for seeing it. The solar elipse lasts for upto 3.05 pm around the world.