Nepotism in bollywood

A young talented actor Sushant Singh actor commited suicide a week ago.This gave shock to entire Bollywood industry and entire India.Itwas great loss in film industry.

The source of information saying that he was in depressed at that time, because nobody doesn't talk to him, that to it was a lockdown time he was alone in his house at Mumbai.

He was having only two friends for him to talk,but even they could not take care of him.

The main reason that he was in depression because he was affected by nepotism and favourtasim.Nepotism is nothing but a famous or popular person at a particular industry favouring his friends or relatives.

And he also committed 7 movies ,but due to nepotism he lost all his movies.And he is one of the example that any one can get into depression if he is handsome, richest or poorest any one in the world will face depression.
World health organisation saying that still now more than 10 percent people in the world are facing depression.
Now the question is how can a person can overcome depression.


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