deja vu|explained

Today we will see about deja vu. About 60 percent of the world population is facing this. Deja vu is originated from the word already seen. 
It has three scientific facts which was found by a scientist.
     A) Delayed or fast eye signal. 
The first fact says about eye. Every human's eye will intake the light will be passed equally to the left and the right eye. But because of delay or fast eye signal to brain you will fee deja vu. 

     B) Same situation. 
The second fact says about when you are writing a subject with a blue t shirt in a hall, then after a week you are writing same subject with same dress code at the same the same hall you will this deja vu. 

       C)  Seeing and recognising. 
 This is due to neural problem in your body. Suppose your seen Elon musk in a you tube video last week and again if you seen him today again in a you tube video, you will feel that you have already know him or you will feel that already you have seen his video you will be confusion is called deja vu. 


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