New ayruvedic medicine for corona

Recently new ayruvedic medicine found for corona it is very effective. It is a oral medicine. This was launched by ayruvedic doctor Baba ram dev.

Entire India and the world is waiting for this medicine. And we are proudly to say first ayruvedic medicine for corona. There are two medicine in this kit one is coronils and other one is sawasiri.

This medicine is checked trials in delhi, ahmedabad for 250 affected patients, and gave 100% favour results. This medicine cost ₹545/kit.

This medicine is not currently available all over india ,within this week it will be distributed to entire India. An app also introduced for buying this corona kit by executive aayruvedic .

This medicine is not immunity booster but it will completely cure the corona within 3-7 days. It is tablet

Will this ayruvedic medicine will be curable or not?


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