Real iron man story

Today  we are gonna see about one of the 
most paid actor robert downsey jr. His father name was robert downsey senior.This will very motivative life story of him. He came many obstacles across his life.

Robert born in America in 1965 of a rich family. His father is a director and his mother is a actress of her husband movies. He was in a film cirle when he was small itself.Robert came to acting when he was small.His father is a  director taking small movies. He is addicted to drugs like ganja, cocaine. And when robert was 6 years old his father will give him ganja to eat and he will feed that to his child because his father will then only we can share our happiness. Robert cannot concentrate in studies because he sees in his houseother people will coming when his mother is alone,and when father is in other women will come for bad relationship. Laterly they divorced seeing other life partners. Robert was totally upset and he also addicted to drugs but  his film life was good. Slowly he became popular in films and in America,his many films went for oscars. Now entire America knows him. In 1999 he was acting in a film ,suddenly he collapsed and they said that he is completely drunken and he was too high. From that  day he lost is film opportunity. The doctor said that he is affected by bi polar disorder. He spends his money to buy drugs and he also losed is money. He was arrested because the police found in his house with so many drugs like cocainne,eroines.ganja. he was jailed for 2 months then he went to court and the judge asked why are you doing like this, your having everything what a man should have and they released him. After releasing him their was nobody to see him,beacuse he lost all his money,professional job. Later he is getting married. But he could not give up his drugs addict. Every evening he will drop his car in another not in his own house and he will sleep in others. After seeing all this his wife is getting separated. After that he is coming to a conclusion that he have to achieve. Again he started acting with the help of his some friends and again he is becoming famous. At 2008 a director asking for movie iron man,he asked who is gonna do that. The director's friend said let us try with Robert downsey,now he is improved,he accepted what he have done. And the director said ok. And they asked Robert will you do this character and Robert said for this only im waiting for this much years and he acted that movie and very soon he is again becoming the best actor and he becomes famous all over the world. In the world's top actors he also becomes one of the. Laterly is getting second marriage. His father Laterly regrets for giving him drugs when he was small. And now he is the most paid actor all overs. And now he is the 80th richest person in the world


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