Stress management

Today we are gonna see about what is stress management,and how it will affect our body,and how can we control it.
When a dog chase us in our adernal gland which is located above kidney. This gland will produce so many hormones and secreted in the blood stream. Automatically our blood flow very fast and our heart pumping will be high. 
Nowadays we are getting stress for small things like meeting you boss, stuck in traffic, not doing the homework going to the school. For these things you should not get stressed if you go to office very late what will happen hel  will just scold you that's it or saying about you very critical to someone that's it after that nothing will happen to you.

Stress affects your health, your attention. Many people dies at young age like 30- 40 years due to heart attack. If stress comes to you will go to depression and you will start thinking why this world is like this. During that time you have start talk to someone ,those who are in roadside,park ir anywhere else. What i will do is take some money and i will give it ro some poor people. That will give me satisfaction and i will get relief from depression, like this find your way to overcome stress.
If you are getting stress for small things you cannot survive in this world. 

If you want more like this or any other intresting things just leave it in comment.


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