5 technolgy that changes the world


Door lock
  • Most of the people getting scared for leaving their house and going outside for that latest door lock have introduced ,in that you can use your finger print to open,or you can install a door lock app in your mobile phones and when you command the door to open when you are somewhere outside it will open. And even you can use password to open that only you knows.

If you are going for a travel,you will 3 dresses for a week. When you going  with electronic gadgets you must have phone charger,tab charger, laptop charger ,for chargers itself you will carry seprate bags. For that they iintroduced chargest in that you can charge whatever you want, like phone,laptop, trimmer. Even you can use it for ontime jobs like mixer, grinder etc.

Phone drone
We all know what is drone,it will fly,their will be camera fixed located at centre. But this Phone drone is different from other phones by phone can be fixed at center of the drone and you can take a camera. When your going in mountain side you can take photis,videos by that. Since it has sensor it will not crash anywhere.


 Before 50years people will go for hospital above 80years old .then it became 50 years ,now when we are baby itself we are going for hospital. This due to people are busy and walking so many distance. For that latestly they found a board which has wheels,handle, steering. In that we can for office,school, college etc. Even if you want to change the direction for that also options are available. You can even charge it with normal charger.

Eye camera
When we have a eye problem we used wear a spectacle right then after some time lens was introduced instead of specs. Now in that lens itself a micro camera is installed. If we wear the lens which ever you think everything you can capture with high resolution.

These products are available in markets,and if you want you can buy these.


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