Solar eclipse timing.(full details)

  • 1.What is solar eclipse?                                                    
       The shadow of moon will cover the earth by the ligh of sun.          
                          Types of solar eclipse

This year the solar eclipse will be seen at june 21st on sunday and it is a annular solar eclipse which sun will be ring like shape.

Timing for solar eclipse
At june 21st the solar eclipse starts from morning 9am to 2.30pm in India timing.

Countries like asia, africa,europe,india can be seen.

   It cannot be seen in naked eyes we can see only through a glass. We should not see it with our naked eyes then we get problem in our eyes very frequently.              
So if you want to see the solar eclipse please wear a glass which is made for seeing it.

The solar elipse lasts for upto 3.05 pm around the world. 


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