How to be attractive

10 steps to be attractive

  • Stop living for others,if your friend did some successful job and you are saying this to everyone,but they won't take you seriously.only your friend will be great
  • Planting or grow some pet,grow some plants that will change into person. The people surrounded you will think that you are responsible and you will be attracted by them.
  • Find your passion, search the jobs which you like such as reading books, photography, musicians, or gymming,or travelling. Suppose you are going to a office there your manager will askwhat is your passion and you will say you like pubbing,but they won't take you seriously.
  • Stop using emoji, while texting to your girlfriend or relatives dont use emojis,so that nobody will be serious about you even if you are 70 years old also nobody will take seriously, show some attitude,only you talk what is main content.
  • Secret,if some one in your relatives saying some secret maintain it,if  you say that secret to every one later they won't say you anything.
  • Talk less,if you are talking with your girlfriend don't talk whatever coming from your mouth,many of them of them will do mistakes like this,later if she itself want to talk also she won't talk.
  • Respect,respect everyone even she is rich or poor give respect. How will you respect your parents or relatives in the same way you respect everyone so that you will be attracted by many people.
  •  Don't say,in our life we came across many hard times to achieve success,some people did hard work  but thwy did not achieve success, but dont say your hardtimes to anyone,for example if you are going to a movie and we by seeing the movie itself we know how much hard work they did ,but id they say their hard work people won't take it serious about that.
  • Body language,have your own body language which everyone can be attracted by you. We will be changing our body language when we was small by some one saying it.
Travelling,if you buyed a 10,000 rupees phone insted of that you can be using that money for travel here to jammu and kashmir and come back,dont invest money for unwanted things. 


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