Face app is safe or not

  •    Awarness about face app

Everyone in this world having curiosities about how will their personality will be after 5 or 10years and even i thought like that.

A app will recognize a person how he will be on future and the the app is called faceapp.This app is launched by Russian company by a programmer.

He works at Microsoft morning times and from evening he will do programming.
Now if we download that app and start using it and if we take a photo of yourself or your friends and relatives then you start to see your older ages then you will fix a particular age at that time it starts loading,during that second your photo will sent to a server which is in america,will be saved to that server and they cando anything with your photo.

The face app owner said openly that he is not responsible for that.He also said that most of photos will be deleted,but the rest of the photos they can do any thing they want like uploading on social media, huge poster of your face will placed on roadside, they can also sell your photos for advertisement.

In the world more than 100millions plus downloaded this app for Android mobile,we ourselves giving permission to them that you can have our photos for free,do anything you want.

And the owner also mentioned the word that you don't have rights to talk about that out photos appears on society.


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