Tamil nadu touches high cases at october

Many people will start thinking when we will get rid from this pandemic covid 19. Doctor Mgr university kept a model that i  tamil nadu the number of cases will be at peak by October. 

At chennai only today it as touched nearly 3,500 cases. In the same conditions if it goes the total number of cases in chennai will be around 2.00 lakhs in chennai itself. And rest of the tamilnadu also the cases started increasing,1200 and above cases in one day and it will be 1.2lakhs by october ,but a slight difference of two weeks or one month than chennai to touch the peak.

Peak is nothing but the total number of cases in one day. It is in people's hand to wear mask, social distance, self hygienic. If we dont do that the peak will extend till December. After that peak it will totally come down or in plateau.

Now in chennai siddha medicine is used for curing this virus and they also checked for 25 patients who are mildly affected. And this medicine really works. 100 % it cured it. Other side debate is going on whether this medicine is real or not , wHich is good then we will come to know which is good.


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