India china border attack

 A week ago there was border dispute between india and china. It was went very seriously. In this we will see what is actually happening on India borders.

First of all there is no exact border between India and china. And the china have occupied galwan valley which is in Ladakh. They brought many trucks, miners and start digging underground. They have occupied our border about 60square kilometer. 

After seeing all this foolish things happ6 in the border our indian argumented with them after long talks they said ok we will leave that place ,Laterly our indian sawed that they still staying in that place and they will not that valley. And our soldiers went there without weopons. Our soldiers did not know that they were planned for this only.
One of the chinese soldiers is top of the moutains started pushing big big rocks on them. 

The chinese soldiers attacking with wood whined with steel wire,and at starting it self our three india soldier were killed, still they asked for backup,fighting again and again. So many soldiers were pushed into rivers which is running between rivers. And at last 20 indian soldiers were killed and there side 40 of them were killed said army force. In the 20 soldiers who were killed one soldier was from tamilnadu, madurai and his name is pazhani.

After 30 years this is the first time that this much soldiers were died after kargil war. With so many fire attack
Today we are happy in our home because of our indian army is protecting us from other country. If they were not there we won't be sitting happily. And we pray for that 20 strong souls , jai hind🇮🇳. 


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