

Depression, now most of the people facing this.  But nobody knows its seriousness. 
First of all what is depression. For example if you intrested in music and in your house  they are saying you have to study engineering and you will take engineering Laterly you are not happy what you have taken and you cannot go back to what you have interested. You will be in that phase for many days and that
 is called depression.

Those who are affected by this they will not say to a therapist for more than 10 years. Depression will not only affect mentally but also physically. To overcome from this start talking to them or your itself is affected by that please talk to some body to your friends or relatives to overcome.
Those who are affected by this will be sitting alone and sometime they will shout without reason ,so like that people you know please talk to them and make them also talk.

This is becoming very serious india like sushanths sucide,sathankulam incident, please share this message to everyone 
And im gonna write some more topics regarding this . To get more information just follow me on Twitter and thanks for seeing this🙏.


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