Nun real story

Today we will see the real story about nun. This is based on true story which happened in england, borsley a village which is far away from London. 

Before 150 years their was a building which was burnt completely because of a fire accident, nearby their was a church. Their was a rector who maintain the church,later he ran away from the city because he thought their is bad sign after the fire accident. Then laterally the people of the village Borley have appointed another rector who did not know about the village. 
That rector had 8 children and a wife. The people gave him a house which was far away from village and their was a convent which was nearer to the house. Their was many girls who laterally become a nun in that church itself. The family settled in that house, the first day was fine, but second night the rector heard a sound of a girl out side the house and she was knocking the rector's house very fast and the rector came down and opened the door and he saw a nun. 
The nun was very afraid and scared and she said that she was followed by a gang. Being a good human, the rector gave her a particular in the house to for one night. Next morning she thanked him and she left the house. Again the next night the same nun knocking the door and saying the same reason and she said that her name is Mary and she lives that convent. The rector was confused and he left her inside his house and he said that tomorrow he will rectify the convent. The next he went to the convent and called the name Mary. Their was three girls with named Mary, but in that three he did not see the face which he have seen. 

Years past, first world war was going on, after the war their house's surface was damaged. After that the children of rector complaining that they saw a nun walking back of the house and a man driving a car without a head. After hearing all these the rector left the house. After they left the house, the people started complaining that someone is knocking the door and vanished away during night time and they seeing nuns in their dreams. Then the people of that village informed to two paranormal specialists. They both came to the house and researched and they said that before 300  years their was huge monastery before the house was built, in that monastery their was a great father who has a owe that not to get married. And their was a nun who was from France lives in the convent. After seeing the nun the father started loving her and she also loving him. According to their law they should not get married or love her or him. But beyond the limits no human can control anything.later they started physical contact each other and the people came to know about it and they were favor against the father because he was a good man. The people planned to kill the nun. A gang followed her and she gets scared and running towards the monestry and knocked the door and the father left her in and she said that she is followed by some people. After seeing this people got angry and they hanged the father in front of the house and the nun was buried under the house and closed it with bricks. 
Laterly the monestry was destroyed and they built another building.
The building was also destroyed because of the fire accident. After that they built another building for rectory. 

The main reason for nun's soul roaming is because of their was no proper burial for the nun. This is due to damage in the surface of the house. 
After all these incidents the both the paranormal researcher started digging the ground and they found a cemetery box inside that they found a skeltol bones, and the people said that it is just a pig's skeleton. 
Later they buried that one again with a good care on it. 


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