Game addiction|how to overcome

Today we will see about the most addictive mobile game pubg. We will see what are all the problems faced by this game, then we will see how we are addicted to this game, at last we will see how to overcome from this addiction using 10 steps.

1. Insomnia 
When we play this games during night or midnight, the light from the mobile which is called as blue rays will affect your eye and you can't able to sleep that night and you cannot work for the next day because of sleepiness. 

2. Time. 
With or without knowing we all spending more time on this game. By spending your time in this you will not get what a normal man will get, like playing with your friends physically, other good habits like cleaning, planting. 

3. Health issues 
By playing these games you will get back pain, eye damage, neck pain are due to sitting for 6-7hours and playing the game continously which leads to health issues. 

How we are addicted by this game. 

1. By kills 
When you kill a player, your brain will secrete a chemical called dopamine. This chemical is rewarding hormone after you achieve something new,which gives you a greater feel, and so on your brain will make you to play again and again. 

2  Winner winner chicken dinner. 

When you win a match you will be seeing a winner winner chicken dinner image. That will stimulate you to play again and again. If you itself wanted to finish the game that will make you to play. 

3 Levels
Their are different levels are their in this game like bronze, silver. Which induces us more to play this game. 

How to overcome this addiction. 

1 Understanding this game. 
Firstly we have to understand that this game is not about winning or killing this game is about survival in a field. So try to survive for long time so that you can you will not play again and again. 

2. Maintain the timing. 
Make a timing that you have to play this game on that particular timing. If you wanted to play for one hour make sure that you are not fixing a goal that you have to win, because you may continue to play the game more than a hour when you lose. Ignore playing during night time which will affect your sleep. 

3. Ignore social media. 

With or without knowing we might be following the pubg game pages on social media like Facebook, or instagram. By seeing the game's particular meme we say its amazing and again we will remember the game and we will go back to game again. Try to unfollow the pages and do not like the pages because after you like it the social media will show more about it. 

4  Ignore gaming groups

Stop having a discussion about gaming. Many people will keep separate group for pubg, the profile will be pubg, the name of the group will  be pubg. So try to exit the group or change  the group icon and profile so that their won't be influence about the gaming. 

5. Make a promise. 
For yourself make a promise that if you are not playing pubg for 24 hours you will get a pizza or any other tasty food or if you play only one round of match for today, you will go to a hotel and eat a chicken recipe. And you can also say this to your friends or relatives to get rid from addiction. 

6. Read books 
Reading books is one of the tough job. But if you make this one as a habit you will not leave it. And mentally you will forget this game. 

7. Ignore playing during the night. 

When you play pubg during the night time you can't able wake up next morning or you can't work for next day. To avoid this 
keep a task before sleep like doing some homework or assignments. Keep a goal that after finishing all your works you can play pubg. 

8. See productive documentary or videos 
Instead of playing pubg you can see a productive documentary of a particular person which you like the most. We all satisfy by seeing it through visually so start seeing productive videos of a person. 

9. Talk to your friend

 If your friend is sent you a message which is related to pubg or if your friend tagged you in a particular pubg meme 
Say him that hereafter don't sent pubg related memes or don't tag me in that. 

If you follow these steps definitely you can come out of the addiction as soon as possible. Follow this steps for 21 days and then pubg will not control you, you will control pubg. 



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