5 rules for single

Today we will see about singles, firstly who are singles and what are the 5 rules that will improve the life of the singles.

Who are singles?
Singles are those who did not yet married. 
If he or she loves one side they also meant as singles. 

1 Love yourself 

Instead loving others start loving yourself, like going to gym for maintenance of your body,take care of your self, read books, which helps you to be happy and live healthy life.

2 Don't be lazy 
Most of the people who are single are lazy, during holidays they wake up very late and sitting in front of TV like a idiot box. Instead you can talk with your friends,go a travel with your friends, play with your friends or relatives, which makes you really happy. Do things which makes you really happy. 

3. Do what you like.

If you are single their are plenty of time to do a job or work which you like. When other comes to your life their won't be time to do your work which you like, because you have to work for others. So better utilise your time when your single itself.

4 Hard work. 
Do hard work at whatever works you do. When you do the work which you like, put some hard work in that  because hard work only gives you a perfect result.

5. Tomorrow may not come
The last rule is do not postpone your plan tomorrow, do it today itself,because this world is not permanent everything is temporary. Especially the things which make you happy do it today itself. We have come across the life by seeing things happening today tomorrow it may not happen. So remember that their is no something called tomorrow.


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