4 craziest rooms ever.

Today we are going to see about 4 craziest rooms in the world. These rooms are crazy because after entering these room their will be a great difference compared to other rooms.

1. Seed vault room.
The first room is a seed filled room, which is located near to Norway, a island. This island is not a normal island, it is one of the most safest island in the world. This room is also called as doomsday room. Suppose if there is no rain, living organism started to dying,humans are suffering from starvation,that time this room will be opened. It gives another life to human beings. This room is the safest room ever. That for a year only 1 person allowed to enter the room for preservation purpose. In future this room will this room will be opened. Rest of the time it will be closed.

2. White room
The second craziest room in the world is a white room. People says that is a torturing room In the world. This room is in Mexico and Iran. The complete room is in white coloured. Even the ceiling and surface of the room will be in white. And the dress code of the person will be in white and a pin drop silence. This room is used as a prison. 
A person from Mexico was against the country. The court put him in this jail for nearly 9 to 10 months. First day it was normal, but after a week he started hallucinating. Later period he forgotten his own identity. When he came out of that room the government of the country said that your family have been theft. Then the government made him to obey the law.

This room is used to break one's mindset and bring them to their control. 

3. Anechoic room

Third craziest rooms in the world is a anechoic chamber,which is in Microsoft Office. In that chamber all the sides of the room is covered by a foams. Foam is a sound absorbant material. Even the surface of the room covered by a net below that foam were placed. It has recored that it is the world's silent room ever. The people can go inside. When they go inside they feel the sound of the blood is flowing in their body. Later they will hear the sound of saliva from their mouth. More than half an hour people may faint,so that safety guards also will be their in that chamber. This room is more quite than the white room. 

4. Vatican city archives

The fourth craziest place in the world is vatican city archives, which is a library. The books are written by the great philosopher like King Martin Luther in their own hand. Only scholars are allowed to enter the library exclusively. This library also taken in many movies, saying there is a ghost, or like time travel machines, but nobody knows what is inside the library. 


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