10 highly paid jobs

Today we will see top 10 highly paying jobs in the world. About 90percent of the peoples are working as labour and only 10 percent people work as owner. These all based on how much salary they. These 10 jobs are categorised based on the salary.

1. Surgeon 
Surgeon is the number one paid job in the world because it deals with life, if there is any small mistake also it leads to death. Becoming a surgeon is not really easy, there will be many learning, so many experiences is required. 

2. Radiologist 
The second highest paid job is radiologist. Radiology is nothing but a complete study of x-ray. There will be tie up between radiologist and a hospital. Suppose if there is a patient who has fracture his head, the doctor first prefer to x-ray before doing a surgery. So radiologist is very important for a hospital or a clinic. It is not easy to become radiologist, there will be lot of exam they have to go through. 

3. Anaesthetist 
The third most paid job is a anaesthetist. Who will give anaesthesia to patients before any minor or major surgery. The anaesthetist alway will be with the surgeon during a operation and after the operation. 

4. Actuary 
The actuary is the 4th highest paid jobs in the world. The actuary is very important for huge companies. Suppose the Unilever is selling a detergent and start to selling soaps, the actuary will see what are all economy loss or gain and what will be the budget, when they change detergent and soap. To become a actuary is not that much easy but they have to go through many exam and experiences. 

5. Corporate lawyers. 
The fifth highest paid job in the world is corporate lawyers. This job will differ from normal lawyer. A normal lawyer will struggle and give a justice to the people in the court. Whereas a corporate lawyer will take cases whoever approaches them. For example if the entire country is against a community the corporate lawyer will be favor against the community. The main duty of the corporate lawyers is there should not be any problems to the client. So there will not be any problem for the lawyers,because they are doing their duty. 

6. Petrol engineers. 

The 6th highly paid jobs is a petrol engineering. But after 10 years this job might comes down because people are looking forward for electric car. It is also due to over pollution to the environment. So the salary for the petrol engineer might fall in future. 

7. Psychiatrists 
The seventh highly paid job is psychiatrists.  A person who learns medicine properly can enter in this job. This job is about understanding the patients mind and giving suggestions to them. But there is a small difference between this job and other jobs. In this job there should be high network. Suppose if the psychiatrist giving suggestion to men, that men have to be greater than him and he have to say this to another 4 person. 

8. Dentist 
The eighth highest paid job in the world is a dentist. There was a huge evolution in this job in last 10 years. There is many invention in this job. For every disease there is a recovery related to teeth. To become a dentist is not easy, they have to work hard, they have to go through lots of experience and exams. 

9. Pediatrician 

The ninth most paid job is pediatrician. This is because most of the parents will always look after children very keenly. They always look for a pedestrian who is nearby to them. The pediatrician will see what are all the disease is caused to a child. Basically they medicate for the children. 

10. ITE

The tenth highest paid job in the world is ITE. ITE is basically related to computer software. But in this Job every one will not get the highest salary, on those who are in high position will get the high salary. Like president or vice president of the ITE company will get the high salary. 


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