Russian sleep experiment

Today we are going see about russian sleep experiment in 1945 at Russia. In this we will see how a man totured like a animal not sleeping for 15 days.

In the world war 2 between Russia and German, russia was having a ugly thoughts like that their soldiers should not sleep by using a gas,if the that gas passed to a human body he will not sleep for two days. But the opposite soldiers will sleep then only a man can fight. In world every one has to sleep. In world war 2 Russia have won,and they asked asked 5 soldiers for testing and if they agreed that they will be released or else they will be killed. And they brought five german soldier as a temporary prisoners. They locked them in a cell,their was enough water,bathroom was available and enough oxygen. In that room their was glass which only outside can see whats happening inside,and their was speaker and a mike. The scientists outside the room will observe them like how is their characteristics and behavior.First day they were happy after this test they will leave them back. But after a 2 days they becomes very sad,very sad incident came to their mind. And they thinks how much mistakes they did in their life. After the 5th day they started fighting with them selves like a animals. They started eating their own flesh like stomach,liver. And one guy begging to realease them from that room. They are shouting like animals. But the scientists did not allow them. They sticks paper on that glass by their blood and saliva. Now the scientist shocks,still the scientists did not released them, he said if they are released our experiment will be failed. Their sound can be heard by that speaker.  At day12 there was no sound. At day 13  a guy shouts for 12 hours continuously and his vocal cord breaks. After that they did not hear any at that room. At last scientist said to release them. A army enter that room they sees blood spilled everywhere. They bited their own nails. They sees already 2 men wear dead and three of them were critically injured. Their stomach were torn. They forced them to hospital for the operation. One guy were dead in that hospital bed other guy asks for that gas,that he like that feeling. When the doctor going to inject anaesthesia  for operation he said that he dont wants anaesthesia ,because he likes pain feeling. And he also dies while doing the operation. And the last person who was still sitting at that room,the scientists asks him why are you doing like this and that giy said we lossed our human conscious because we did not get proper sleep for 15 days.

Laterly this news spreads around the world and more countries started criticism against Russia ,but Russia hided that news. Many people scolded russia doing such cheap experiment,they should the testing diretly with humans, because humans has a value. They can be checking with lab rats,but they did not do such.


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