Night thoughts

     Today we are going to see what thoughts will come to our mind at late night. During day time our brain will work medium to slow level but during night time our brain will work at super fast level,in that what are thought come to our mind we are gonna see.

          Who was the world's first teacher and who teached that teacher.
 Our brain will command the heart to pump,but heart is giving blood to the brain. In this which one is working for other.

 After bathing we use towel, but why is towel is getting dirt,because already we are clean.

 Many people use to clean their ears with ear buds to clean their ea rs from dust, but if leave that ears buds inside our ears anyway the dust will go inside.

  Dogs will eat a biscuit  which is meant for them,but whatever biscuits human will eat even the dogs will eat,then we are eating dog biscuits.

   We can see our body only through a mirror,but why cant we see our body in real.

   If we are going to a monument for asking help from god and we lost a phone,then we will ask helo from police,now who is helping us.

   When we are bathing we use soap to clean our body ,and if it slips from our hand and it get dirt. The soap itself cannot keep itself clean then how it will clean our body.

   Every humans will dies after a particular age,when we are sleeping everyday we use to dream,then we are survive from death every day.

    Every human will dies and buried in a graveyard, but humans will eat animals,then their stomach is graveyard.

    Both goat and deer looks same,but if we kill that both we will get the same flesh,but we will eat goat and we are jailed when we kill deers.😢

   A blind man going for a sleep,will he off the lights.

  Two blinded couple getting a baby, how can they see their baby.

   A digital camera's front is in the shape of circle then why the picture frame is rectangle .

   In these thoughts which was the intresting for you and if you know any other thoughts like this just comment below.




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