Latest news

Today we are gonna see about three latest news firstly we will see about china america problems have touched the new peak,which is not good,secondly we will WHOs leader said that their will be no chance of getting back into normal life for now. And lastly we will see mukesh ambani have reached 6th positive in rich people,in this pandemic situation also we will see about that.
                    America- china disputes.

  A new problem started between china and America, it have touched the peak level. China have occupied south china countries like Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, which is down countries from china. They did not ask any permission to take places and it is against the rules. So that america said to move them from that sea,but the china is not going to listen that. A country can occupy a sea around 200 nautical miles after that it will becomes international seas in which any country ships can move. But these china have bullying the other the countries,thet they are superior in the world. This is not liked by America because it is the number 1 position in the world,it will not leave other countries to capture that place,so both rhe countries started fighting each other.  America have allied with south china countries like Vietnam Thailand to protest against that not to bully with other countries.
    The main reason that china occupied that area because, in that sea area their are small small Islands are situated which is not belong to china but they are owning it without any permission. There are two things in that island 1. Many natural resource are available like medicine. 2. Fisheries is high at that place and mainly many country ships will travel at that area. 
China is using this opportunity and started bullying other country to get that islands which is not liked by america. Even after owning that Island they started saying nobody should enter their sea level. They started import military at that island and expanding the Island which means artificially they are making island to show that they are the next super power country after america. 

     Between fight between these two countries what india will do give your answer.

               Who latest news
   Secondly we will see the latest announce of WHOs leasder. The leader have showed the record that in last five days the number of active cases have touched 1 million. Which was is very crucial situation. During this situation their will be no chance of getting into normal life for now. It will be more severe hereafter. Because it winter duration for the world,in which this virus will be more aggressive than before. We not even think about unlock.
     Many countries have started lockdown again, lome UK, India. Their will be vaccine found at 2021.
                       World's 6th richest man.

 India's one of best business man mukesh ambani have touched 6th position of worlds riches man in the world in this pandemic situation only he is happy. He is the owner of jio,reliance. Many people in india using internet, so that google have invested billions of dollar on jio,to devlop it more and it is at discussion. Even he will touch top 5 ,beating google founders. He is the icon of India to reach top richest man list. If he contribute to india it will be more beneficial to our nation.


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