Latest news

Today we are going to see about the latest news of today. First we see mit have announced a shocking news to india, then we will see problems between America and who and at last we will WHOs next step.

Before starting this,we will see that corona updates in tamil nadu,today 4326 active cases have been reported by health ministry,and in chennai itself it have touched around 2000. But yesterday it was only 3786,becuse of the lockedown in chennai established for 1 week,so that active  cases in chennai were dropping out,but in other district this cases started increasing especially madurai. So please wear a mask,follow social distance,sneeze by using you shoulder.

Mit have announced news yesterday that,if the condition of this covid in india goes like this,then in 2021  February it will touch 2lakhs approx in one day,because today itself it have touched 50,000 active cases in one day. And total number of cases in india is 7lakh and above. And in world wide it have touched 1 crore. 

 Now we will see problems between  WHO and America. America have quits WHO because WHO is favour against china. America is the most invested for who and they itself decided to leave the organisation,and they will take  care for themselves. This will be huge process to come out from WHO ,atleast it will take around 10months. China also fighted against china by dropping their ships at China ocean. And they also going to introduce a new app iinstead of tik tok.

Lastly we will see about WHOs next step.who told that they are going to check where did this virus have been originated from and for that first they will sent a normal team to check that originated and after a week many scientists will go there and the real place that were did the virus originated from.

After all this will china will be the next super power of the earth for 2021 or not,because it is dominating many counties and bullying. Suggest your answer


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