last 7 minutes of your life

Today we are going to see the last 7minutes of a life. There will be many chemical reactions taken in our brain,so many flash backs will be playing in our mind,then atlast there will be illusion which is made by our brain.

When the heart stops pumping,but our brain will be active for 7minutes. In that seven minutes our brain will play a flash back for 7 minutes. First one minute our brain will recall from when we are baby,like when we come out from mother,when we laughed at parents when we was baby. But we cannot recall now,only when we are near death. 
Second minute our brain will recall our friends, who was our true friends, who trusted us for everything. For life who was with us. It will recall every friends within that one minute.
Third minute, our brain will recall our success, in our life what all success we did,it will recall what are the most successful things you did in your life.

Fourth minute,it is the most crucial time,which it will recall the friends or lover who have left us alone, and we also left alone ,not talking to anyone for months. This will be for a minute.

The fifth minute our brain will recall, our love. Every human has a affection if love right. It will recall what all we did for love like g proposing, hugging, kissing everything it will recall for that one minutes.

The sixth minute it will recall what all good things we did in our life. If we was good with everyone. Is our life was a normal human life. This will be the next recall for one minute.
Thw seventh minute their will be illusion made by brain, that suppose if we are trapped in cave and we can see a light from a far place,which will be illustratrd by our brain. This is due to deficiency of blood at brain. 
After the blood circulation stops at brain the every chemicals will be start producing at brain,like melotin ,dopamine in a excessive level than the normal.

Anyway everyone has to face death in a particular day,so that live your life as good as possible. Because we have only single lofe,so live your own life, enjoy your life. Do good because before death everything which you did in your life will be played as a movie. To make that movie as a good one start doing some good things in your life. Atleast your soul will be good.
