Depression part 2

Today we are going to see about what is depression, how it is coming to a human and what will be the solutions for this.

First what is depression, depression is a state of mind in which we will be completly out of the society. If we take an example a boy of 24 age starts loving a girl and his parents will not  accept that and they will marry him with another girl,now the boy is not happy with that married girl and he cannot marry that girl who he loved. He will in that phase for many days or years he won't talk to anybody. Not only  like this situation even if you did not go tour with your friends,or you did not get your seat in your favourite college or whatever it is ,the depression can come for any one.

Depression will come from the age of 10 to 30 years,almost 10 percent people in the world are feeling depression. This is depression will affect our mental and physical appearnce. They will not talk to any one ,they will be sitting alone. They will not say this to any one for 10 years. This may leads to sucide also. In 2030 this will be the widely spreaded disease, says world health organization.

The solution for  this is to start talking with others,and if you see someone lIke this ask them why are you like this.
1. Go for a walk
2. Exercise
3. Avoid oil food.
4. Eat fruits.

Start sharig this to everyone,and start talking to them,and if you itself under depression start talking to a friends who personally believe you. Even i have depression what I'll do is i will take a 50 rupees and i will give it to a poor,because they won't able to get food and because of me they will get atleast 2 times of food and that will relieve me from depression. Like this you find you way to come out from that.

See you in the next blog and start sharing this.


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