Blue ball syndrome

Today we are going to see about blue ball syndrome,that how it will affects our body,then what are the measures that can be taken,then what are the signs that can be seen in our body.

 Before starting this we must know what this blue ball syndrome. It is nothing but when we see a girl in a movie or some other,we will be getting aroused after seeing. If we distracted and move on we will feel like uneasy at that place. It can happen to female also which is called as blue valva.
                How it will affect our body?
 In our body there our two vessels one is arteries and another one is veins. Arteries carries blood which contain high oxygen level, whereas veins carry less oxygen blood which will exhale out. Now if we are getting aroused by seeing a girl our arteries starts expansion and veins will be shrinks. Then we will get more number of oxygen than the normal.  At that time the male copulation organ will enlarged double time,then the colour of the organs will be red if their skin tone is black,if their skin tone is white then the colour will be blue and the testicular colour also be in blue colour. This can happen for female also. 
The reason are oxygenated blood pressure is high at the bottom of body which is natural.

                 Measures to be taken?
There are three measure to be taken 
1. Ejaculate your semen or express that to a girl who you aroused.

 2. You can put ice packs at that place which will make cool down of the organ

3. If both is not possible you should not get aroused or you should not see a girl. You should be distracted from that.


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