6 steps to sleep in 2 minutes

Today we are going to see about how to sleep in 2 minutes using these 6 steps, most of the people during lockdown are struggling to sleep. These 6 steps will make you sleep 100 percent sure. Maximum in first four step itself you will get a sleep ,but if you dont you can see next two steps.
                    Relaxing forehead.

 The first step is to relax your forehead when you are going to bed or your sitting in a sofa. There will be lots of pressure in your forehead,now also your seeing the phone you will be having  pressure in your forehead,just relax and you will feel relaxed. Did you feel that there was a pressure in forehead till now. This is the first step to be follwed.

                      Don't cover the face.

When you are going to sleep dont cover your face with pillow or bedsheet. Leave some air to pass on your face. And you imagine the breezy night and you can also imagine the space. Which will relax you more.

                     Relax your hands.
After the two steps, relax your hands by not folding your hands,or catching something. Just lie it to your bed . You should not bend it or stretching it.
                      Relax your thighs

 After doing these three steps ,follow this one,relax the thigh muscle. Lean your legs straight to your beds or sofa. Never bend it or stretching it. 
If you follow these four steps you will get sleep,but if you did not get sleep by following these steps follow the next two points.

                    Don't drink coffee.

When you are going for bed,dont drink coffee, because it contain caffeine which will not make you sleep,of you want to sleel also you will not get sleep. So avoid taking coffee when you are going for bed.

                       Avoid using phones during night time.

Before going to bed dont use phones, because the lights will make more stress to the eye. That stress will never make you sleep,because of that light which passed through your eyes.

     If you follow these 6 steps for a week ,you can able to sleep within two minutes and im assure of that.


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