5 morning habits

Today we are going to see about 5 morning habits. How you want to spent the first five minutes of your life. Whatever you achieved for the entire day will be based what did you on morning 5minutes. There will be five thing which is 


When you wake up early first thing you have to be silent for one,even if you are sitting in a bed dont take anything to your mind just be silent. Don't take your phone and checking social media,that will give you a pleasant feeling for entire day

A- affrimation.
After silence is affirmative, affirmation is nothing but making promise for your self. That you are confident man or you will finisb your work ontime. And say this continues for one minute.


Third one is visual your day that how it should go on. For example if going to write a exam,visual that you did your exam well and came out without any problem and you attempt every questions good. This is powerful tool in human. This will be very effective


After visualization you have to do some exercise which means not complicated, but a small stretching like yoga,leg touch or you can do jumping also. Because you will be active for that whole day and you won't get any tired.


Reading is one of the important thing, you can read a book for that minute,but dont but a newspaper because in that negative news is their. Read some positive things,like self improvement books,read atleast one page everyday. Not only self improvement book you can buy autobiography books

If you do this five regularly your life will change, and you live better by doing this five in orderly and regularly. You will not forgot this by remembering saver and after following this if you see a change just comment below.


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