spb untold story

    Today we are going to see about life history, how he came across problem in his life,the most goosebumps moment in his life and how he succeeded in his life.

Spb is an inspirational human being because he have sung more than 40,000 songs till his end of life. And he have made a record that he have sung this much song around the world. He  sung every song professionally. In one year he will sing around 750 songs. And in one day he will sings 2 songs to achieve his goal. 

But his other side of his life is really emotional. When he was small he was very ambitious at engineering even at his house they were supporting him. Then he came to Chennai for further studies,here is only a turn over in his life. He had a car accident during his studies. Then he can't go for further study. He just dropped out his studies. Then he gave important on singing. That time there was many legend in singing,so spb did not get any opportunity to sing in a film. He tried other languages also but there was only a few chance. One day when spb was singing in AVM studio,that time there was no fan so they opened every door and windows and spb was singing very loudly. By hearing his voice a popular actor MGR visited and he asked him to sing in his next film. That was the goosebumps moment in his life. Then he was getting many chances to sing. His voice touched the people of around the India. He Expose the emotions which is related to him. 

Now ever people will recognize his voice. Even though he sings, still he will say he still learning how to compose music. He always says that his true friend is musician illayaraja. Spb born in 1946 at andhra. He was knowing only Telugu, but he sunged almost 10 language around India. 

He won't say any bad time that was faced by him in any interviews, he was always charming, very ambitious in his life. He was really passionate about what he was doing. Many of the people will say that he is a hard worker, but he was a social alcoholic, he was out of a box. At the same time he was discipline at his work. 

But this legendaryan is no more with us. He passed away because of covid-19. But his voice still heard around the world. It is not a time of sad, it is the time of celebrating the man.  


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