Why everyone is buying iphone

Today we are going to see about the reasons that why everyone is buying the iphone. These reasons will be common for everyone. The one common reasons is the iPhone is very costly. But other than this we will see other important reasons.


1. Buys for status.
Maximum people will buy a iphone to showoff that they will always buy a rich things. Mainly in india even if it is costly they will buy it, without knowing about it fully.

2. Security

Secondly people buys it for its strong security. Mainly buisness man will use iphone because of this. Comparing with Android the security of the iphone is 20times stronger than android. Which nobody cannot hack it. Even though if it is hacked iphone will recover it back. Whereas in Android it can be hacked at any time. But if the phone is losted we can easily track it easily.

3. Ecosystem.
The third reason which people buys iphone because, when we have a buy a iphone and if we buy other products  like iPad, with the same company iphone the connection between the products will be easier without any hard work.

4. Design
Many people will buy iphone for its design. Even though if the phone is in less budget,the design will be perfects. The hardware will be suited with equal software. And they will install the apps which is required. And there will be no unwanted app installed, which gives a different feeling than Android. 

5 play store vs App Store

Comparing the both apps, in a playstore there are millions of apps which the app can be installed at anytime,but some apps are malware apps,which is not secured or protected which leads to virus formation in that phone.
Wheras in App Store,when we are downloading a app there will be more verification and rules to download one app,which is healthy for phone. 



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