Top 5 flop phones

 Today we are going to see about flop phones  that nobody can be forgotten, last one year we will be seeing many smart phones have launch many phones were successful but some phone are touched the flops and came and some phones are really flopped.

Project ara.

                          This company is one of the flop phone ever. This phone has speciality that we itself can modify this phone in our own way,for example if there 3000mah battery and that is not enough for us we can change the battery into 5000mah. But this project too complex that we have can change the   parts however we want and that was a expensive to do so. Many scientists doing it for a many days inside the lab itself and that phone did not come outside the lab . Even google spents more on that but no result,at last they stopped that project and later it days it may come.
                              Iphone 6

Secondly we will see iphone 6 which is not a complete flop but it have touched flop side and came back. After launching this phone for trials many people. They started folding that phone and that Phone started bending. By seeing this everyone started to bend it and they gave it for return and they found the problem and that is the oiter layer of the phone was very weaker. They said that they will make it strong and giving it back. And many phone started selling.

Samsung note 7

This phone is huge lose in samsung company and because of this people stopped buying this. When this Phone launched people started buying,but later this phone started burst every where,and they will not allow inside the flight if we are having samsung note 7,later people started giving this phone back,but after that they rectify the problems ,but nobody did not but this. This was a huge loss to samsung, Laterly they launch note8 and 9 and again they will to that position.

Samusung folding phone.

   Another samsung phone which is not a flop but went near the condition of flop and came back. This phone is a foldable phone. It is good quality and excellent phone ever. After launching this phone for trials and people starts tearing that tempor glass or scratch card,but that was the main was the screen of that phone. Later they give it back and they mold it properly and gave it to people. In india also it have sales lot.
                                   Freedom 251.

 This phone was introduced in india, it is a smart phone. And its price was just 251 rupees. It came to sells at market, many people started prepaid it and some people buying it on cash on delivery including me. But later it came to know that it is a fake ccompany which is not approved. This was also a great loss.

In this five flops which one was your favourite flop phone, just comment it below.


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