
 Today we are gonna see about kkeezhadi which is located at madurai,we will see its basic things,then we will see things found in that place, last we will see what obstacles were faces during excavation.

 Basically the land was a agricultural land of a old man,one day a architecture found that their is something inside the land. Then they asked the land owner to give that land for excavation and they also asked that they will give money for that,but the owner gave the land for free,because he was also intrested what will be their behind that. They have started excavation and they find entire cuty behind that land it was about 110 acre of city. In that city tamilan have Been living before 1000 years. And it proved that tamil is the oldest culture in the world. They were digging further they find many things like burned bricks which is used for building, then a stick. Here is the problem starts that the excavation eas under central architecture Department, they said there is nothing like tamil culture,only their culture is true and they stopped excavation. Laterly Tamil nadu Department of architecture again started excavation after 10 years,and they finds many people are lived before 1000 years. They finds houses,bricks,and many old things. And mainly they finds tamil letters which is older than any other language. Not only the language the culture of tamilan is also older. This one wins the  other excavation  all over the world like excavation of Egyptian. 

Recently they finds things like 4 marbles,a skeletal body which they gave for carbon dating to America. This shows that there was many people who lived their and their was a king also. If they excavate further they will find a unique things. Below picture shows that things found in that place 


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